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Mother's Bundle!


If you are stuck on how to show the mama in your life you care this year, we are offering a special price of £50 (RRP £70) for a bottle of Maitake and Reishi for Mother's Day.

That's a saving of 25%! 


But Why Maitake and Reishi?


Reishi 'Queen of Mushrooms' and Maitake 'the Dancing Mushroom'  are a beautiful duo to support and celebrate mums. Both are considered wonderful allies in the hormonal support for women - with Maitake proving in research trials to be useful in restoring hormonal balance by improving insulin sensitivity and Reishi's oestrogen balancing benefits showing time and time again to be profound.

Dosage Usage

For the best results, we recommend taking this tincture daily in a small glass of water or juice, ideally with a meal for the best absorption.

  • Recommended daily dose of 1-2ml  
  • Do not exceed 3ml per day
  • Bottle contains up to a 50 day supply!

All of our organic mushroom tinctures are made simple and strong, with just three ingredients:  our organic mushrooms, purified water and organic alcohol.

  •  UK Native & Sustainably Grown In The UK
  • 100% UK Organic Certified Functional Mushroom Extract
  •  Triple Extracted, 1: 4 Ratio Mushroom Supplement
  • Fully Transparent, Ethical & Short Supply Chain
Our promise

100% Organic Certified

We offer the UK's only UK grown organic mushroom tinctures, certified by the Soil Association. All our mushrooms are grown on our organic mushroom farm set in the beautiful green fields of Somerset and we triple extract them with pure water and organic alcohol onsite.


How much tincture should I take?

We suggest a daily dosage of 1-2ml. This can be either taken all at once (suggested in the morning around 15 mins before food) or distributed throughout the morning and afternoon as preferred.

How should I consume it?

You can consume your tincture in many ways - be it undiluted or in a drink or food. We recommend taking your tincture in water or fruit juice, ideally alongside a meal. This method is thought to be the best for absorption. Whatever fits your lifestyle and makes it easy to enjoy, some may even wish to add them into soups, salad dressings or smoothies for additional medicinal benefits at mealtime.

Are tinctures safe to use when pregnant?

Whilst there is some information around the traditional use of Reishi through pregnancy, there is essentially no modern research into the use of most supplements, including mushrooms, through pregnancy and nursing. It is, understandably, difficult to design studies around medicating pregnant people.

It's generally understood and something that we very much subscribe to, that taking anything through the first trimester should be avoided.

If people want to take supplements at any stage during pregnancy we hope and advise that they always seek the advice of medical professionals.

We are the only organic certified & UK-native functional mushroom producer.

UK-grown organic Lion’s Mane tincture, cloned in our lab and extracted in the tincture kitchen on our mushroom farm in Somerset.

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